Sunday, March 18, 2012

Doggy Adoption

::::Pictures removed due to Photobucket holding my photos for random::::

Last July, Ole Boy and I lost our beloved Peppy, our temperamental and territorial mound of round hound.   Our hearts were broken, and that’s not an exaggeration.   Our house felt so empty, and the busy schedule we’d followed with Peppy and his diabetes regimen was suddenly stilled.  

A short while later, we adopted a puppy from the Florence Lauderdale Animal Shelter.  He was long and comical, and he brought not only smiles to our faces, but smiles to our hurting hearts.   He’s been such a joy.   He’s incredibly smart (very easy to house train), great with strangers and with children.   I had forgotten that dogs could be that way!    In no way does this lessen our love for Peppy…we both still miss him.   But Roscoe has been the best little companion!
When we got him, the vet estimated his age to be around four months.   That means that Roscoe is around a year old, most likely born in March of last year.    Since I don’t know his birthday, I’ll have to go with this:

Happy Birth-Month, Roscoe!!

If you are thinking about getting a pet, I implore you to first visit your local animal shelter or human society.    There are so many wonderful animals just waiting for a home and a person to love.   I promise you, if you walk the floors of a “dog pound” you will find a set of sad eyes that will tug your heart strings.  In one of those pens is a puppy or adult dog (or a cat or kitten) who will be forever loyal and shower you with love...and bring joy to your home…we are sure happy we adopted.


  1. I love Roscoe's nose. It's so boopable...

    Many people don't realize that pedigreed dogs are often remanded to the shelter when their owner dies or has some life-changing event.

    Also, many of the mutts are just plain cuter and smarter than the one's with papers.

    I'm guessing Roscoe doesn't have any trouble breathing like a pug or similar dog would.

    1. No troubles at all...he's very healthy...and I know I'm biased, but I say he's just plain cuter than most papered dogs! haha

  2. Uh, just why are Roscoe's paws green? Maybe you should celebrate his b'day on St. Patrick's Day each year.

    1. haha, he was frolicking around in the freshly mowed grass! He loves being outside about as much as he likes it inside. We have a big fenced in backyard, so that's perfect for us and for him.

  3. I bet Roscoe's paws are green because he was outside frolicking around after the grass was cut? Koda's does the same thing.

    Roscoe is so cute; of course Peppy will always hold a very special place in your hearts, but it is nice that you and Ole Boy opened up your hearts to let Roscoe in. So true too about getting a dog from a pound or rescue shelter, wherever. They truly can turn out to be true gems like Roscoe has and will be!


    1. just commented above saying that very thing, he as frolicking around in the freshly cut grass.

  4. happy birth-month to lil roscoe!! the adoption worked out pretty well for him, too. :)


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