Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday Evening Post

It’s Saturday evening, and I haven’t made my daily post yet!   It’s not like there’s a prize at the end of the month if I succeed in posting every day, but I’d like to complete the challenge…considering it is my own challenge!

Today at Lowe’s, I snapped lots of picture of flowers…until I finally drained the battery in my new little camera, for the first time.   Can you believe that battery lasted 3 weeks?    Anyway, it was sunny and bright, and every picture was blurred!   That’s what I get for cheating and snapping “tame” flowers, yes?   Why is it that flowers are so hard to snap in focus in the sunshine? 

My beautiful Samara is spending the night with me, so I must get on with the girl’s night in!

Have a safe Saturday night!

PS:   Like my new Spring Motif?
These tulips, and the header above,
I snapped at UNA last spring.


  1. I do love your spring motif and the tulips on your photo. sandie

  2. I like the spring motif too!! Very nice!! So glad you are having company for the evening; I know you are enjoying it!


  3. love love love the tulips!! i know you and lil sam will have fun!

  4. The new header is stunning! I like the Title change, too. (That may because it matches your URL now and I like things that match, so don't read anything into it. :})

    We went to a Vows Renewal ceremony that our friends had for their 40th anniversary. It was nice. I had cake...several pieces. sigh. That was not nice. Tomorrow is my husband's birthday. Hear---> more cake. No sense me even pretending I won't have a piece.

    As my previous post title sang, "Oh, Monday, Monday..."

    I hope you've had a wonderful Girls' Night In and let's reset for Monday, shall we?



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