Saturday, March 3, 2012

In The Wake of The Storms

What a day it was yesterday…the tornadoes started early in Alabama.   I wasn’t expecting the first round to be severe, I only expected the late afternoon to get ugly.    For me, the anticipation is worse than the storm.   I started praying about (and dreading) the weather on Thursday.   Friday, when the sirens were wailing and the hail was coming down in buckets…I was surprisingly calm.   Last night when strong winds were blowing and it was raining hard, but no sirens, I was as nervous as a cat.  

The Shoals was blessed, we were spared major damage.   There is a lot of damage left in the path of these storms over the last couple of days, lives lost, homes destroyed.   I fell asleep last night praying for the people I don’t know, but God knows them all by name.

My sisters live in Limestone County, which got hit pretty hard.  Both of them are safe and sound, and I am thankful.   Greg Cook sustained heavy damage to his home, but was reunited with his his best friend, Coco.   He buried his mother just last week.   I teared up when I read his story

It’s going to be a beautiful weekend here in The Shoals.  
I am very blessed and very thankful.


  1. So glad you and yours are safe this morning; so thankful for God's protection on you. So touching aboutthe man and his dog; houses can be replaced, possessions restored, but relationships of all kinds with people or pets, that is what really matters at the end of the day (and of course a relationship with Jesus).

    I've never lived anywhere where there is the potential of tornados, can't imagine how hard it would be to "wait out the storms". You did the best thing by praying......

    Enjoy the beautiful day you were given!


  2. Oh these storms were just devastating - I hope everyone recovers. sandie

  3. I had read in the news about the coming storms, but didn't realize you were right in the path!! I'm so glad you are alright. The waiting part... how difficult that must have been.

    I teared up, too, when I saw those photos. So touching.

  4. Lots of friends in Athens and Limestone. Just glad there were no deaths. Esp. glad everyone in the Shoals was spared...except for OB's shed (I think he'll live).


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