Monday, August 16, 2010

The Exigencies of Monday

Yeah, I changed my blog up a little.   Gone is the Brown Recluse, laid to rest…for now, anyway.   This “spacey” thing may be a little too busy.    I used to get tired of one blog and start another.   These days, I’m staying in one place, just changing it up a little.   Kind of like my life…and we can all expect more changes…in life and on this blog.  

I learned a new word:  
exi·gency (eksə jən sē; also eg zijən-, ig-)
that which is required in a particular situation
(The word looks like it would mean to exit in an emergency, doesn't it?)
noun pl. exigencies -·cies
1.    the condition or quality of being exigent; urgency
2.    a situation calling for immediate action or attention
3.    pressing needs; demands; requirements

This weekend, while finishing up a week-long binge, I analyzed where I went wrong…what was I doing in all of June and half of July that I have not been doing since then?    I have really struggled since mid July.   So after some prayer and some thought, I realized that as soon as I started joining challenges, I started struggling.   Sound crazy?   Not to me.   I respectfully withdraw from any challenge I am now a part of for August; and I, as of this day, will rely on God’s grace.  It is only in Him that my yoke is easy and my burden light. 

I remember that for the first six weeks of this diet, it really wasn’t that hard.   I did not make all the right choices, and I did overeat at some meals, but it was not a struggle.   I’m going back to my Rock:  Christ, my solid Rock.   I still believe in full and true freedom.  


  1. Do what works best for you when losing weight. Some of the challenges put too much stress on me and I have a tendency to bite off to much. I am hoping my new scale comes today. I think I have lost but you never know.

  2. love the new blog look and name!! I think you are wise to have taken the time to think about "what went wrong" and to take the necessary steps to get back on track; trusting in Jesus is always the best way to go with it!!


  3. I think realizing what didn't work(as you did) is a lot more important than beating yourself up. Do it the way it works best for you. ~Mary

  4. I love the new look of our blog... buh-bye spider!!

    We are all so different, AND at different places in our journey. You need to be on solid footing and stable, that is most important. I'm glad you had the insight to find and correct where you went off course.

    Challenges come and go... but our Rock is solid and eternal. He is my foundation... all else is built upon that solid Rock. I'm glad you have found rest in that.

    And I won't be hurt (sniff sniff) that you un-joined my challenge. ;-)


  5. If I think "diet" or "challenge" for very long, I will invariably fail. I've been hanging on to your words from when you emailed me about letting go and letting God help me, and I know I've been doing better... not looking ahead... just working on today. I keep hearing you say that God can make it easier, and then I ask Him what He wants me to eat and when I fall, (like my birthday cake) I just try to turn my eyes back on Him the next day and go from there.

  6. Hi, Margaret,
    Been reading blogs of dieters and got to your blog because I thought what a cool name Brown Recluse would be for a lady of color. I still like it even though I see you're pretty in pink! Pink here, also, but have always thought plainbrownrappr would be a nice handle for a guy, just can't use it myself.
    Thanks for blogging, your perspective is very encouraging and I'll continue reading.

  7. i like the new look of your blog...but i think i'm gonna miss the lil spider. lol it is so easy to get off track...but you're turning things around again. your last 2 sentences are the key! :) love you!!

  8. I hope you are having a restful break, and all is well.


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