Saturday, November 5, 2011

More Vacation Details on a Six Word Saturday....


Just when you think you've heard enough about my short trip to Gatlinburg, I bring it up again!!    

While we where there, I found something better than the Fountain of Youth…I found the Fountain of Chocolate!   While in Gatlinburg, Ole Boy and I stopped at the Golden Corral…we don’t have one of those in my neck of the woods.   They have a pretty good breakfast bar, and some really good breakfast pizza, (I love that stuff).   They also had a chocolate fountain.    

 Do you hear what I’m saying?
A fountain of Chocolate!
We covered strawberries, macaroons, pineapple, and Rice Krispie candy in chocolate.    And ate it all.    There’s no wonder I gained a few pounds.    No, no wonder at all!  (Pictures not mine.)

We also ate at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., another place that hasn’t made it to Small Town, Alabama, yet.    Considering that Alabama is a large part of the Forrest Gump movie….well, never mind.   But judging by the other restaurants in my area, either of these places would do great.  If you ever get the chance to eat at Bubba Gump’s, you should.   It’s a little pricey, but very, very good.

The rest of these pictures are mine... 
Clingman's Dome
(I cheated here...this was last year's pic.   The rest are current, I promise)

It rained all day Friday, and unbeknownst to us, at some point, some places began to get snow.   We woke up to a chilly, but clearing, Saturday morning, and after eating breakfast at The Old Mill Restaurant (my favorite place to eat breakfast in the Smokies…other than that breakfast pizza and chocolate fountain, that is…we headed to the Roaring Fork Motor Trail.  That's where we found a mini-winter-wonderland.

Roaring Fork
Roaring Fork
Roaring Fork
Roaring Fork

Somewhere in the Great Smoky Mountains

I loved how the sun was hitting only one part of the mountains...

Downtown Gatlinburg, TN
Downtown Gatlinburg
Notice the two different times on the clock,
Neither were correct.
For more Vacation 2011 Pictures, Click Here.

** Cate over at Show My Face hosts Six Word Saturday,
where we are challenged to use only six words to describe our lives...or something!

(for more Six Word descriptions, visit Cate @ Show My Face!)



  1. What gorgeous photos. Makes me want to head for the mountains. And that chocolate...!

  2. Talk all you want about your trip! Seriously, since I'm not vacationing these days and who knows when, I live through other people's vacations. My family is one to send post cards when they go, I collect them on the kitchen counter to look at when I'm doing dishes (seriously!)

    Love the shots of those trees; too cute about the clock with two incorrect times; that in itself is a story I do believe!

    Sounds like it was so much fun! We don't have Golden Corral here, but did in Montana; the chocolate fountain must be new; I don't remember that from before!

    I have heard of Bubba Shrimp Company, but we don't have these here either; glad you went to both and enjoyed the time!


  3. We used to visit Gatlinburg often many years ago so I loved seeing your pictures. I remember it as a beautiful place, even though I don't think the chocolate fountain was there yet.

  4. Loved the pictures! And now, of course, I want to go walking down little lanes and among the hills!

    As much as I love chocolate, I'd prefer the Fountain of Youth, please. :)


  5. Better for you than a vodka fountain. ~Mary

  6. I love Gatlinburg!! It's where I went on my honeymoon almost 4 years ago! :) Looks like you had a great trip! (Found your blog from Six Word Saturday)

  7. You had me at chocolate fountain. lol

    Love the pictures you tool too - gorgeous area!


  8. There was a Golden Corral Steakhouse in Russellville for many years. It became Jonathan's some years ago, and is now some unbranded Mexican eatery. Sad that Russellville doesn't have a real steakhouse any more.

  9. Hey, Margaret. blogger kicked this blog off of my list of blogs that i follow so I came over here to see if I'hve missed a post.

    While here, I clicked your follow button and am told that i
    AM following.

    I'm going to refollow from my blog, to see if I can get you back on my list. If you see my icon hopping around, that's what's happening.


  10. We vacationed there a few years back and I am convinced it is one of the most beautiful places on God's earth - your photos say the same...Now, I want to know how I managed to miss that CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN?? Good grief, I hate to think I missed something that decadent!!

  11. Happy Thanksgiving girlfriend! Gosh, that is just beautiful country - I can't wait to travel and do it in the Fall season as that's my favorite! Have a lovely weekend with your family and friends and make a memory!


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