Monday, March 28, 2011

Conversations Outside My Head

A little different take on Monday Musings....

Me: (with camera draped around my neck) Does my necklace look too ostentatious?
Co-Worker: Well, it is a little flashy.

Me: I think it’s supposed to rain this weekend.
Co-Worker: Whatever. You can keep dry on the couch.

Ole Boy: (putting gas in my car) I miss the old way of getting gas.
Me: When they pumped it for you?
Ole Boy: Syphoning.

Me: I feel like I’m late if I’m not at work by 7:40.
Cousin: I feel like I’m late if I get there at 8:01…because uh, then I am!

Friend: Me first!
Me: OK.
Friend: Never mind. If you’re letting me, it can’t be good for me.

Four year old Samara: (showing me a band-aid on her toe) I was getting a big fingernail off my toe.  I made it sore.
Me:   Why didn’t you get someone to clip that “fingernail” off your toe?
Samara:   Because I was chewing it.

This is the kick off week for the ABC’s of My Town Photo Challenge.   I’m off this week and had planned to get some good shots…but I don’t think the weather is going to cooperate!    If, by chance, you plan to participate in posting pictures of your own, please drop back by here and leave a link to your blog!    Click HERE for a sample entry!


  1. Hahaha. love these. And aren't conversations with four year olds just the best?!

    Re: pictures. I'm hoping to take a picture of a picture of the Aquatorium in the cetner of my town and then take a picture of what it looks like now (Just because I have a thing about following rules exactly).

    The picture of the picture thing is because it was taken when it was green here. Right now everything still looks like it's been burnt black and not making much of a comeback. As I write this it's 27 degrees out. At 11am. sighhhhhh.

    Come on, SPRING!!!!


  2. Syphoning. HaHaHa.

    I REALLY like Ole Boy.~Mary

  3. loved Samara's! all funny ones though; Ole Boy might have had a past with syphoning gas??


  4. I love what Samara said.That is so cute.


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