Monday, February 8, 2010

Didn't see this Winter Wonderland coming....

I got up a little early so I could wash that gray right outta my hair.   About daybreak I opened the back door, and realized it was sleeting like crazy!   This really wasn't our forecast.    An hour later, it was still sleeting....shortly thereafter, it turned to snow.  I went on to work, and it was snowing the biggest flakes I'd ever seen in my little town.

This is looking out from the main entrance where I work:

 I didn't have the foresight to bring my camera, so I had to borrow one...and I couldn't find the zoom button until I was almost finished taking pictures (not because I wanted to quit, but because I killed the battery, lol).  I got absolutely covered in snow, and my hair was soaked.   I looked like a drowned rat...but I didn't care.   It was so pretty!

This is the view of the back entrance to my building.

Alabama doesn't get this kinda of snow very often.   We've had more snow in 2010 than we've had for the last several years put together. Must be that GORE-y global warming.  I heard on the NOAA weather radio that the record high for today for my area was 78°.   And that was way before global warming.

The birds are with my own camera, in my own backyard.

They closed the University at 11,
so I got to go home and enjoy the snow and the birds.

Today was Day One of no sugar.  
I did OK.   It was definitely easier today than yesterday (I was on a binge),
and I fully expect tomorrow to be even better.  
I might really be convincing myself, here.


  1. those pictures are awesome!! its kind of neat that it is not a norm but a rarity that you get this type of weather; makes it kind of special

    glad you had a short day at work and was able to spend some time taking pictures of birds and enjoying the weather

    good for you with a day without sugar; I found it was easier not to think about binging by avoiding it. I did have a Fat Boy the other night, but it didn't trigger anything. Do need to be careful since I'm going to Montana in May!!!!!!!!!!


  2. What beautiful pictures of birds and snow! How lucky to go home early - that's a rare thing up here in the frozen North! Yeah for easy days without sugar :))

  3. GOOD JOB!!! I think I made it a few hours with no sugar once. :)

    Your pictures are fantastic girl!!


  4. I love your pictures, they are just beautiful.
    Good job with the sugar, I keep trying, it is so hard!

  5. Beautiful pictures! I lurve the courtyard area of the university, just beautiful you lucky gal!

  6. Those are really big flakes. I am glad it snowed there and not here lol. I am so tired of the snow!

  7. Loved the cardinal. We had one in our cedar tree when it snowed. My camera battery was dead so I could not take the picture of such a beautiful site.

  8. You have an award over on my blog!

  9. What beautiful pictures... I've seen so many of those beautiful Cardinals on my friend's blog, but I'd never tire of them! I sure would love to see a real live one!

    I'm still hoping that it will snow down low enough that we will be able to drive up to it and let the corgi pups play in it. I think they'd have a BLAST! I no longer want it to snow low enough (2500 ft)here because the grain hay has sprouted and I don't want a hard freeze to kill it. It will save us a TON of money this year if we get a good crop!

    Getting off early and getting to record such beautiful sights should have made it a GREAT day! Linda


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