Saturday, February 6, 2010

Six Words and Other Stuff

¡Hola!, Amigas! (y amigos!)

Who wants to learn a little Español? Well, not me, apparently! I’m writing a blog instead of studying. Ah, but I’m learning a little at a time. I may not be as unable to grasp a foreign language as I originally thought. This is good news. I will know for sure on Friday when I take my first test.

Some clues for you (which have nothing to do with Spanish): Jethro, DiNozzo, Probie, Abby, and Ducky, what am I talking about?

My daughter and I went Wal-Marting this morning. She is going to have a baby…a little girl. This will be her fourth, two boys and now two girls. I’m hoping she names this one Final. Names she has mentioned are Ginger Elle and Ida Claire…Briar Olivia. I’m going to suggest Olivia Claire. (I am almost certain Ginger and Ida were to get me riled…she “do love” to do it to me.)

After Wal-Mart, she and I went to get a biscuit at Bojangles (good biscuits, by the way, it was my first trip there) and stopped near some sea gulls basking in the cold Kmart parking lot, and fed them biscuits and eggs and sausage…I so wished I’d had my camera! Those birds are so cool!  One did foo foo on my car.   I assume that is gull language for "Thank You."   Who knew?

I woke up at 4 a.m., like I do way too often. This is after waking up several times before 4, but able to go back to sleep. I got up and fiddled with the fire. I do not like going outside at 4 a.m. to get fire wood. Don’t like it anytime after midnight, as a matter of fact. I finally went back to bed around sunrise, and I dreamed about NCIS’s McGee being chased by shadows…guess I shouldn’t have watched two full episodes before I went to bed last night. Of course, the clues above are NCIS characters. I have decided I like this show best of all the cop shows.

And those early morning hours when I can’t sleep! The voices in my head may not be real, but late at night and in the wee hours of morning, they solve all the world’s problems. If only I could remember the solutions when I do get up and get going…

Notes to self:
Starting a fire with wet wood really doesn’t work.
Never look at my face in a 15x magnified mirror. Never. Ever.
Lay off the sugar.

Side note on sugar: I did so much better in January with no sugar than I have in February with sugar. Come Monday, I will be doing the sugarless thing for a week just to see if it is indeed easier. If so, I think Adkins…or Adkins lite will become the plan of the year.

And (drumroll please!) it's that time again....Six Word Saturday!

Cate, who talks about showing her face,
but we (or at least I) haven't seen it yet,
Visit her for more SWS entries!

And that is all!


  1. I absolutely LOVE NCIS. It's my favorite of the cop type shows too. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
    Please don't let your daughter name her daughter least not as a first name! Haha.
    Happy 6WS,

  2. Good luck on your Spanish test! And wishing you success on the sugarless week - you can do it!! I loved your pictures of the ice on the trees and fences - gorgeous! Although I'm sure driving was not much fun. When is the new baby coming? My son puts out crazy names to see my reaction too!! Happy Sunday to you!

  3. Me again! I forgot to answer your question about the Olympics! We are a 12 hour drive from Vancouver so we aren't going. We don't have anyone to stay with in the area and accomodation costs are outrageous! Not to mention ticket prices - it all adds up, unfortunately. Friends of ours are going for the weekend so we'll live through them - and watch it all on TV. Instead of going to the Olympics we are going to NYC to see our daughter, her husband and our cute grandson at the end of the month :))

  4. I don't particularly like the name Ida, but Ginger is a good name (seriously). our pastor from Montana, his wife's name was Ginger (I think nicknamed from Virginia) and she was one wise woman. how exciting that your daughter is having a girl!! 2 of each will make the family COMPLETE

    I have not missed sugar after the first couple of days; I think you have something there to give it up for another week and do some fine tuning with your eating plan

    my "favorite" hour of the morning to wake up is 3 a.m. gotta love just lying here watching the minutes slowly click by


  5. Yes, do good on that Spanish test. You can do it! Mrs. Jim learned French just before retiring. I have tried to learn Spanish but it needed more work and study than I would give it.
    Happy 6WS! Thanks for peeking in on my sports bar TVs.

  6. I hope you are able to find a good plan that works for you. As you know, it takes a few days to really get the sugar out of your system. And if you eat stuff that turns to glucose quickly in your system, you could still crave it... like any of the white stuff: potatoes, rice, bread.

    I think the reason I was able to stick with it is because I made sure to have substitutes. My hubby won't give up carbs, they are in the house. So it was very important I had MY stuff, so I wouldn't get resentful or feel deprived. It's such a head game, LOL! But I have all kinds of sweetener choices... stevia, xylitol, splenda, sugarfree daVinci syrups, erithrytol. So I don't miss the "sweet" taste if I want it.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. The Dr Phil book changed my life... really, it did. Especially the first part and the first 2 keys, Right Thinking and Emotional Healing. It took me a LONG time to work thru those 2 keys! I cried all the way thru the first read... it was hard. But it was so worth it. It's been dealt with, laid to rest, and I feel so free to go on and LIVE now.

    Best of success to you!

  7. How can you go without any sugar? Oh my !

  8. I love NCIS :) Thanks for stopping by...I'd save you a piece of cake if there were any left ;) Happy 6WS!

  9. Hey thanks for commenting on my SWS post! I enjoyed your posts too, but was very distracted by having fun with the cool letters following the curser thingy! So fun & mesmerizing! Ha

  10. Hey, thanks so much for visiting my blog. I don't think there are that many Florence bloggers. It is always nice to find one!

  11. Love your 6WS post. I feel the same way. I have enough drama all on my own and don't need to get all up in anybody else's stuff!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. My fever blisters are better. I have never heard of the ice treatment but will try that next time. I had not had any for a long time but am having a rash of them.

    I am glad to meet a blogger that finds "word economy" very difficult!!

    We live in Memphis and got a heavy sheeting of ice last week. Not sure where you live in TN. but I posted our "photo journal" of our ice storm on the blog. Stop by and look when you can. Blessings!

  12. Well good luck in your test Friday!!!! As for the sugar, I can relate - I am so sweet I could give you a cavity! Ha

  13. Ida wouldn't be my first choice either. I'm not totally opposed to Ginger though.

    And you're right - "Show My Face" is probably a silly name for a blog by a chick that craves anonymity. But in that anonymity, I'm much more able to show my true self. So no pictures but lots of heart and mind. :)

    Thanks for playing 6WS!


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