Monday, November 2, 2015

What Have I Done?

I'm not overly fond of the look of my blog…but I think it’s just too early for Christmas décor…of course, retail is not worried! I probably won’t be too worried in a week or two, myself.   I've been a long time away from this blog, but I have worked on the motif for the last few weeks, changing and tweaking, getting ready to start writing in it again.

The spider, the Ol’ Brown Recluse, is back. I’ve been designing new ones…what do you think?

Traditional Christmas Colors

It is almost alarming how quickly time is passing. In my youth, the wait between January and November seemed as if it were five years, now it seems like all of five weeks! It is now November and what have I accomplished for 2105? Not much. My books are still not written, my blogs lie dormant, I’ve found most of the weight I lost (I suppose that could be an accomplishment), and my house still needs its spring cleaning.

I have decided to dedicate a little time out of my days to write. Something. Anything. I may or may not post what I write, but I have found in the last few months that the longer I don’t write, the easier it becomes to lay aside my God-given talent and waste away the days doing mindless tasks. Not that I have all that much to say, as this particular post proves.

I love Fall, the anticipation of the colors of fall, and my annual Great Smoky Mountain trip to see the mountains alive with vibrant hues. This year, I made the trip a little too early and saw mostly shades of green. It was beautiful nonetheless. Now we are sliding right into my most favorite time of the year, “The Holidays!” I worked retail years ago, and November/December were merely blurs. Now I have more time to enjoy the season, and enjoy my family.

With my parents aging and my realization that life really is but a vapor, I find myself wanting to drink in every memory, every tradition (though we really don’t have set traditions in my family). We meet, we eat, we visit; we go about our business. But that is our tradition. At Christmas, we open gifts as well. We catch up with one another, laugh, joke, pick at each other, and comment how we should get together more often throughout the year.

I am not arrogant enough to not know that I am blessed beyond measure. God has given me a wonderful family. My little parents are still together pushing 60 years of marriage, both are alive and in reasonably good health. My entire family are free from catastrophic disease, though we do suffer with health issues here and there, we are blessed.

I know that Christmastime can be too busy (and therefore less enjoyable) for some. I know that people are missing those who have passed and won’t be here for the holidays, and grief is often compounded during November and December. I also know that money (or lack thereof) can be a real issue for some. But I hope you find rest in the midst of the busyness, and peace fills the empty places your heart.

Happy November, my friends.


  1. Looks great!! /glad to have you back posting.

  2. Love all the spiders!! Glad to see a post from you! I don't know how time continues to fly, but amazed we are in November already. Read somewhere that someone listed 7 weekends until Christmas. It seems impossible!


  3. I sat down to write you an email yesterday to ask how your mom and dad wee doing, but before I could, something called me away from the computer (don't remember what) and just got back now--and here you are! :)

    So. How are you parents?



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