Thursday, April 19, 2012

Q? I have no Q!

Ole Boy and I at the Qualla Indian Reservation 
a few years ago (Great Smoky Mountains, NC)

This is a quick entry to tell you that I just may qualify for the “prize” of finishing this A-Z Challenge.  If you are a semi-regular reader, you know that I don’t always finish what I start, be it books or challenges…or diets…or…whatever, which can sometimes put me in a quandary.

I hope that you find some quality reading in my (hopefully) quaint little piece of cyberspace, and that you don’t have any qualms about returning to read another post.   I know I’m not the queen of bloggers, but I try not to be  quarrelsome in my quest to write, and I try not to quibble, though I give in to my human side and do get quite testy every now and then and say things I shouldn’t.   If I wrote just a quarter of the time I spent daydreaming, I could have written a quotient of books by now!

I’m quizzical whether “quotient” is grammatically correct in that sentence, but I’m leaving it there.   Perhaps I will query google later to quell my question on whether or not that is right; so don’t quote me on that just yet.

Have a great Friday Eve!


  1. lol! you had me laughing right out loud by the end. good job.

  2. actually you had a lot of q's there;)well done.
    Happy A-Zing!

  3. Love the picture of you and ole Boy! Such a cute post! I do hope you continue posting after the challenge is over! I always enjoy whatever you write! LOL with trying to figure out if quotient was spelled correctly; I was spelling quandary wrong; glad I ran it through spell check! I am proud of you for doing this challenge and almost completing it!


  4. You did great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You had a lot of Q's there. sandie

  5. You do have your Qs in order!!!


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