Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday Musings...The Answered Prayer Edition

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Driving to work this morning, I was thinking about what to share for Monday Musings; Whitney Houston and addiction came to my mind.   But as I kept thinking, my mind wandered back to a time when my step daughter, Jen, lived with us.   A strong spring storm had rolled through early one morning, and straight lines winds had taken the power out for my whole neighborhood.

My parents had power, so Ole Boy and I went to their home as soon as it got dark to spend the night.   Jen decided to brave the darkness and stay put.   Around 10 p.m., Ole Boy and I went back to the house (with flashlights) to check on things and give Jen another opportunity to come with us.   Again, she declined.

Later that night, after I got settled into bed at Mom’s, I was taking to God, saying my nightly general prayers, and something odd happened.   For just a split second, I saw Jen in the darkness of her bedroom, and a light was shining on her.   It was so quick, then it was gone, but I was sure of what I’d seen.   I said a quick prayer for Jen’s protection, and went on to sleep.

Early the next morning, we went home, and the first thing I saw when we pulled in was the carport door wide open with the screen door propped open.   My first thought was that Jen was pulling a teenager stunt by smoking in the house, and the door was opened to air out the smoke.   Jen was still asleep in her room when we went in.  We woke her up, and the first thing she asked us was why we’d come back later the night before and shined our flashlight on her.    We told her we hadn’t.   I asked her why she had the door propped open.   She didn’t.

Upon closer inspection of the door, we could see where a crow bar had been used to pry open the door.   Jen told us that at some point after we left, she awoke to a flashlight shining on her face.   She sat up and said, “Hey!  What are you doing?”  then she heard footsteps retreating.    Her original thought was that we’d come back, but she wondered if something else was going on.   She didn’t have a phone in the bedroom to call us, so and she blockaded herself in her room and went back to sleep.    

I’m not sure what I would have done in the same circumstance, but I’m almost certain going back to sleep wouldn’t be an option.   

Some may think I’m crazy, but in my heart of hearts, I know God was showing me Jen so that I would pray for her protection…and protect her He did.  In addition to protecting her, not one thing was missing from our house.   I am so grateful.


  1. God is good...and mysterious in His working.

    And addiction has been on my mind, too.


  2. Wow! That is insane!! Oh the power pf prayer!

  3. God sure protected her. Reading this before bedtime will do a trick on my subconscious for the night though

  4. I totally do agree with you that God was intervening and showing you to pray for Jen; so glad she was okay; what a scary thing though! But indeed God does answer prayers! Great testimony to share with us!


  5. Addiction? Look at Robert Downey Jr. I'm not sure how he got his life together, but he did. He's living proof there is hope and to never give up on anyone--within reason.

    Beautiful story about Jen. We should listen to that small still voice within much more often. On a more human note, I hope that after finding someone at home, the would-be burglar had to return to his home for fresh underwear.

  6. Heavenly protection. Without equal. Thanks for sharing.


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