Thursday, November 26, 2009


Because of OCMist (Linda) at Corgi Country, I have gotten this KreativBlogger Award. (Thanks Linda!)

And here are the "official" rules of the Kreativ Blogger Award: 1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award. 2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog. 3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award. 4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know. 5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Blogs. 6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate. 7. Leave a comment on each.

Seven things about me that you may not know...

• My daughter is going to have a baby. I don’t talk about that much.

• I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in over 10 years.

• I don’t usually share a lot of highly personal things.

• I have a huge collection of colored pencils, watercolor pencils, gel pens, magic markers, stickers, pads, etc., and sticky notes…I have lots of sticky notes! I can spend a lot of time perusing the aisles at Hobby Lobby or Michaels. I can do the same thing at Office Depot.

• I have owned a guitar since I was 15 years old. I still don’t know how to play it.

• I’m not a real good housekeeper, but I’ve been blessed with a husband who’s pretty good at it.

• I have very strong beliefs based on Biblical truths. I do not mind stating my opinion politically, philosophy or theologically. And since I try hard to never lie, if you happen to ask, be prepared for my true feelings.

The seven others….I’ve been out of the blogging loop so long that I don’t know who has the award and who doesn’t…or even if I know 7 other bloggers at this point…so I’m going to have to take a raincheck on that until I can do a little research!


  1. gosh you and me both (the sleep issue, what is it??) I think its wonderful your daughter is having a baby! I know, I know, but a baby :)

    we are a lot alike, I don't like sharing a lot of personal things either

    too bad you don't live closer; dear hubby could teach you that guitar :)

    congrats on the award; isn't Linda a neat person???


  2. Congrats on your award! I wish my son would learn to play the guitar also. He took lessons for awhile but then he had to quit because of playine baseball. His schedule didn't work out well with guitar lessons.


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