Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Hope in a Tree

The Hope in a Tree

Our lives, my friends, are like the mighty tree,
Standing study and strong against the wind.
Limbs and leaves are like you and me,
We must sometimes learn to bend.
When storms of life come rolling about,
Feeling battered and bruised we stand.
Though life is filled with turmoil and doubt,
We must hold to God’s firm hand.

For the mighty tree, when storms cause aches,
Is never like the slender reed.
The tree won’t bend, so therefore breaks
And a fractured heart will bleed.
The storms of life can shatter a soul
Like the tree ravaged by the wind,
Yield like the reed to the intense flow,
And hold to the hand of a Friend.

When I consider the mighty oak
Toppled by the wind,
It wouldn’t bow, that’s why it broke,
I cry for the loss of a friend.
Weather-beaten by storms, I'm tried,
And often feel life’s broken me
But hope is found, for Jesus died
Hanging on a splintered tree.


Deibert Park

TVA Reservation


  1. absolutely beautiful!! both pix...and the poetry, here and other entries as well, is great. so where is this bridge?? i don't recall seeing it before.

  2. Going into the Rockpile, before you get to the boat launch on the left. It's a little walking trail. Not very long at all until you get to some treacherous steps, which I didn't climb.

  3. What gorgeous photos to accompany your lovely poem!

  4. you always have the best pictures to accompany your poem Meg;

    I loved the words of this; such vivid imagery and then tying it all together with Jesus and how he did for you and me on the splintered tree

    so important for us "trees" to be planted on the firm foundation of Jesus, right?? so when those life storms coming through and blow us side to side, our roots are firmly planted in Him :)


  5. This is a beautiful poem with a very good message, and the pictures fit with it so well. It is true that we need to be flexible and follow God's Will and not our own, bending instead of being so stiff. Thanks for the reminder and thanks for coming and visiting at Corgi Country!


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