Sunday, March 31, 2013

He's Alive

Happy and Blessed Easter to you.


  1. Enjoyed the song, thankful He is Alive, thankful the grave was found empty, thankful that for this Sweet Saviour full of power...O'Death where is thy sting? Happy Resurrection Celebrations

  2. Oh, and Happy Easter, Margo, from all your fans!

  3. I posted another version of this. Great minds think alike. This message is so important. Peace.

  4. He is indeed! Happy Easter to you as well, friend. I hope you had a wonderful day. ☺

    Thank you for following my blog. I've followed yours as well. I'm looking forward to your A to Z posts!

  5. :D I hope you had a wonderful and blessed Easter!

    You know, Margaret, of all the blogs I read yesterday evening, yours was the only one that mentioned the resin Christ. The only one.

    They talked about having a peaceful day, a hectic day, family coming over, no family coming over, visiting family, chocolate, eggs and more chocolate. Regret was expressed over eating chocolate bunnies, satisfaction over not eating them.

    Nothing about Jesus. No gratitude for the sacrifice. No rejoicing over the resurrection. No Jesus...just bunnies and food.

    It made me incredibly sad and disappointed. Has Easter finally joined the ranks of Christmas in shedding it's Christian meaning? A secular...or pagan...celebration of Spring and chocolate?

    So. Thank you for proclaiming the true sounds of Easter. He's alive. The tomb is empty. We stand redeemed. Hallelujah!!!



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