Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Little Peppy

Peppy is gone.  

He began having major seizures yesterday (most likely Sunday night).    He was unresponsive but convulsing, temperature was 106°.   This morning, we allowed the vet to end his suffering.  I stayed with him until he drew his last breath and his little heart stopped beating, but I don't believe he knew it.  I have no words…


  1. I am sooooo sorry for you and Ole Boy! I know you boy loved him very much but I think you did the right thing.

    again, so sorry!


  2. sorry, that should have been you both!

    again sorry!


  3. Oh, Margaret, I'm so sorry. Be comforted in knowing that you took such good care of him that he had extra days to enjoy his life. hugs. Deb

  4. been thinking of you all morning; I hope you are "okay". Peppy was a good dog, good companion, you guys have wonderful memories of him (who can ever forget the bag tied around the belt story?)

    again, so sorry!


  5. I don't have words either. But I understand the sorrow. ~Mary

  6. IF I were there, I would sit and just cry with you. I know it hurts.
    Praying for your heart to find comfort in knowing you gave Peppy great love and a great life.

  7. Hi, Margaret,
    I came over from Betty's blog, and I wanted to tell you how sorry I am to hear about Peppy. He looks like he was such a sweet dog.
    I have been in your shoes, and I will be praying for you.
    Take care.

  8. HI Margaret,

    I came over from Betty's (and Koda's) blog. It hurts like nothing else in this world to lose a treasured companion and pet.

    I hope time heals and helps fill that gaping hole in your heart. Peppy wouldn't want you upset because of him - thats what good dogs do... they want their most special person(s) to be happy.

  9. I just read about this on That Corgi's blog and just wanted to tell you how sorry I am and send a hug and I'll say a prayer for you.

  10. I'm so sorry. I know you always did what was best for him and took such good care of him. I'm happy you've shared him with all of us over the months.

  11. Hi Gorgeous! It's so nice to be back and visiting you! My computer had crashed (it lived a good life for us for 8 years) but now we've got a new one and it's so nice and FAST! Wow, you don't realize how much you use it until it's not available. ha ha

    Oh darlin', I'm so sorry to hear about your boy Peppy! Pets are such a gift within our families and I'm glad to hear he isn't in pain anymore. Take care my friend.


  12. Thanks everyone for your kind words. We went to the pound today and found a little puppy that we liked, and we also went to look at some Jackahuahua's...half Jack Russell/half chihuahua, as if you couldn't figure that out.
    We have decided to think it over a few days and IF we decide to get one, IF the pound puppy is still there, that's the one we will get.

    Again, thank you for caring.


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