Sunday, July 17, 2011

Meeting Roscoe

When Peppy left us, we were heartbroken.   Our little mound of round hound had been a huge part of our lives for 12 years.   The last four years had us scheduling our daily lives around his diabetes, timed feedings and insulin regimen.   Peppy was a very temperamental dog, and was known to snap at, well, lots of people.  His territorial attitude often made folks not like him so much, but we loved him dearly, and he loved us.    Letting him go was so very hard, but when he was first diagnosed with cancer, we felt we only had a matter of weeks.   We were blessed with another year.   The repeated seizures that began on the wee hours of the fourth had left him brain damaged, and at that point, he was no longer with us, and we had to do what was best for him.   While we miss him, we know that we gave him the best care possible and surely extended his life a few years because we were dedicated to his treatment.   

Ole Boy told my sister, "We went to Coon Dog Cemetery out of curiosity one time, and I still remember what was inscribed on a particular tombstone.  "Here lies Ole Blue, he may not have been the best, but he was the best I ever had."  I guess that sums up the way we felt about Peppy.  Sounds crazy, but he actually made our marriage stronger in a lot of little ways.  It would make him so mad when we hugged that we would hug just to get a reaction out of him.  Making sure he ate right and got his insulin every day also required a lot of effort and teamwork."   
After a week of talking it over, batting it back and forth from one extreme (no) to the other (yes), we decided to give a home to another dog.   Peppy was a full blooded rat terror…I mean terrier, and he will never be replaced in our home or in our hearts, but our hearts have room for another little life.   A week ago, we visited the animal shelter in Florence, and met a little puppy.   We left him there and went to see some Jackahuahuas.  They were cute and feisty, but my heart hurt too badly that day to bring another dog home.   Over the next few days, Ole Boy would call the shelter, or go by when the puppies were out, to see if that one little puppy was still there.   He was.    On Thursday, I left work and told myself if he was still there, I would bring him home.   He was.   His name is Roscoe, and he is the sweetest little (already spoiled) thing!

Looks a little like Peppy, doesn't he? 
We aren't sure what he is, but I'm guessing
a Jack Russell/Dachshund mix

I bought him some new toys, but he seemed to really like the empty
water bottle.  Another favorite is a plastic hairspray cap.

Since my last post, I have been on Vacation Two…to Gulf Shores.  As I have stated often, I am not a lover of the beach.  I like the ocean, the waves, but I don’t like the sand too much, nor the heat or the crowds.   I do, however, love seafood, and Gulf Shores was a wonderful place to get my fill of ocean treats.   And nearby Foley has Lamberts…Home of the Throwed Rolls.   Oh yeah, I caught two of them!

We visited The Hangout, and Bahama Bob’s Beachside Café, where I tried pangus for the first time.  Very good, indeed.   They served a homemade slaw, and this chick, who doesn’t much care for slaw, ate every bite!     We also ate at Big O’s…I can NOT recommend that (really poor quality food and false promises of smoke-free dining).  

And I spent maybe a half hour on the beach.  My sisters got in a little more time than that, and I’m happy they did…without me.   :::big smile:::

A few pictures of Vacation Two:
A Gull

The waves

Bigger Lizards


  1. Your little puppy is so cute! Can't wait to play with him. Pictures of vacation 2 are very nice too. :D

  2. Is that Foley Beach in South Carolina or someplace different?

    Thanks for sharing about the pup--good luck with him. :D


  3. It's Gulf Shores, Alabama. Foley is a nearby city.

  4. yep...lil rat terror!! :) i know you guys really loved him and for that i am so sorry he is gone, and i can even remember him a little fondly...yes, i mean that, ruined leather shoe and all. lol roscoe is a cutie and hopefully will have a better disposition!! wonderful pix of vac 2....i've not finished with pix from vac 1, let alone even looking at the very few i took at vac 2!

  5. No you will never replace Peppy, but you have room for another - and we have a half jack Russell and let me tell you he is smart. Your Roscoe looks adorable and loveable. So cute and sweet.

  6. Peppy will always have a very special place in your/Ole Boy's heart, but I am glad your hearts were big enough to allow Roscoe to come in and give him a home. He is cute!! Peppy worked for you and was what you guys needed (like Koda for us, LOL, you know my thoughts about that).

    I am sure Roscoe will continue to be a very welcomed member in your household and Peppy will always be in your memories!

    Glad you enjoyed your time with your sisters at the beach! Looks like it was really pretty there!!


  7. Roscoe is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! Oh my stars, he's cute! Enjoy and lurve the puppy stage and all the trouble they get into. ha ha!

  8. Love the pics. What kind of lizard is that?

    I once had a SS teacher who went on a mission trip to Caribbean. They were lent a guest house at a mansion, but when they got inside, there were droppings all over. The lady asked where the birds came from and was told: No, mo'om, leezards!

  9. I don't know what kind of lizard it was...but I know I wouldn't have wanted to stay at that guest house! lol

  10. I had my last rescue Casey for 16 yrs. She would go over to Mom's while I was at work and come home just before I did and be waiting on me in the driveway. She started having strokes and it was best for her. Mom took it harder than I did and forbid me to get another. Six months later I had to take the plunge. First Patches who had been beaten by her last owner, then Blackie and lastly Levi. I told Mom when I got Levi I was being a Foster Mom. Somehow he never went back to the rescue. I know your new baby will bring you great joy in the years to come. Mary

  11. Pelicans are my favorite bird and i am thinking you may be close to where i am from the gator shots


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