Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Tuesday's Thoughts...

This year, it really bothered me to see “Happy 4th of July” instead of “Happy Independence Day.”    And people rarely say “Independence Day.”   I saw a video, and there are people in America who don’t even know what the significance of July 4th is…proving how important it is to say the words. 

In so many ways, America is in the toilet, not just headed there.   I am not saying we can’t be rescued from the sewer…the upcoming election gives us a choice to stay in the tank or make America a better place to live. 

I have heard people (mostly Christians) say they will not vote in November because they don’t like the choices, or they don’t want to vote for the lesser of two evils.  I read a sign I sure wish I had thought of:  “Not voting is not rebellion, it is surrender.”   Others have said they will vote Libertarian.  At least they will be voting.

Not voting for Trump is not really a vote for Hillary unless not voting for Hillary is a vote for Trump.  But people fought and died for the freedom of this country, and it is shameful that people will sit back and watch it go down the drain, and blame everyone else while we swirl downward. 

Christians are being told to “prayerfully consider” their choices, but I wonder if we understand what that means.   I remember years ago, a conservative was bashing President Bush.   I told him he would do much better to be praying for him than running him down.   His reply was that he prayed for him every day, then gave me a list of all the actions he prayed Bush would take…none of which were Godly choices.   Praying God’s will is not praying our own will. 

I know these next words will get me in “trouble” with some…but if a Christian votes for a person who supports abortion, whether it be in the first trimester or late term, I believe they should knock the dust off their Bible and read about life and read about what God considers abominations to Him.

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

Psalm 139:13-16 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

The choice of when life begins and when it ends belongs to God, and He will demand an accounting of all life’s shed blood. 

In response to those who will demand that I take care of all the unwanted babies who are not aborted, I will point out there is a long list of parents waiting to adopt.  But let us place responsibility where it belongs:  If consenting adults want to fornicate, it is their responsibility to prevent unwanted children.

I feel it also necessary to say to those who have aborted babies…Jesus loves you, right where you are.  He still has a plan for you, and He is willing to forgive you.   Don’t let the past stop you from achieving your destiny, God’s purpose in your life.  


  1. Totally agree about your thoughts about the sanctity of life; life begins at conception, I don't care what any scientist or other "professional" might say. And I agree it is the responsibility of the couple to take the necessary precautions to prevent a new life from forming.

    I will vote in the upcoming election and encourage others to do so too. I've been praying people will really get to know the candidates so to speak, will vote responsibility and knowledgeably.

    I hope you had a nice Independence Day :)


    1. I think (I hope!) there is more prayer about this election than ever before. It is certainly needed.

  2. Pardon the long comment, but I wanted to address three things you mentioned:

    1. Ignorant people – There have always been citizens of this and every country who have almost no knowledge of history, government, etc. It’s just in the Internet age, we’ve become more aware of them. They now have the ability to be vocal, and we interact with them as we never before did.
    2. Voting for the lesser of two evils? If we vote Libertarian, we are in effect throwing our vote away. On the flip side, Trump will win Alabama, so voting at the presidential level in this state is moot anyway. We need to vote, in every election, at the state, county, and city level. The August municipal elections will affect us as much as the November state and federal elections.
    3. Life begins at conception? It very well may, but the Bible simply doesn’t tell us when it begins. If we say that we know when life begins, we’re adding to what the Bible tells us, and that is a sin. Then you get into the question of life versus soul. As you said, why not just make sure there are no unwanted pregnancies?

    1. Long comments are always welcome!

      1. I agree...and that's probably the same for all the gory details we get from the news, it was probably going on and we just didn't know it as readily as we do in this internet age.
      2. Alabama needs a political overhaul, for sure. It seems (I hope I'm wrong) that people are largely unconcerned about state government. It's easy to get too wrapped up in "party" and not the person, but I would have a very hard time voting for a democrat even in the state elections at this point...then I look at Alabama's current administration. The state of the state is appalling.
      3. Not for argument's sake, but just my humble opinion: I believe God is telling us in Psalm 139 that life begins as we are formed in the womb, and also that He had plans for us even before we were formed.

      Thank you for commenting!


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