I went to
see Son of God last night. I was a
little disturbed.
When Roma
Downey and friends put together the Bible TV series, I watched the first hour
and saw so many inaccuracies that I didn’t watch the whole series. It is a shame when a group has a platform to
reach the world for Christ and chooses to omit/alter what the Bible clearly states. I don’t think even the timeline of the Bible
should be changed, much less a storyline.
Leaving out pertinent details is just as wrong. If I didn’t already know Christ, I believe I
would have left the theater in confusion as to why He was crucified on the
Cross. Above all, the reason Jesus came
to die on the cross should have been clearly covered. There was no explanation of the gift given
to us on Calvary’s Hill, nor how His shed blood saved us. Other than Jesus placing a quick kiss on the
cross as he carried it and a quote of John 3:16, salvation was largely ignored.
I know some
people have been awe-inspired by this movie, but sadly, it is a watered down imitation
of God’s truth. I’m not saying the movie was a colossal waste
of time and had no truth in it (there were definitely tears shed). But I am saying that you cannot blatantly
change a Bible account and call it truth.
What Jesus did when He walked on this earth should be told exactly how
it happened. His actions were according
to God’s plan and need no tweaking or modification.
There are a
few more movies coming out in the next month or two I’d like to see: “God’s Not Dead” and “Heaven Is For Real.” I
think I’ll pass on “Noah,” I think it may be too Hollywood for me to thoroughly
enjoy. It’s not like these people are
changing a book of fiction…they are attempting to alter the Word of God!
A case like
this is just one more reason to study your Bible. Memorize what’s in those pages…get the Word
into your heart and soul so that you are full of the Truth, and you will
immediately recognize a counterfeit story when it crosses your path.