Monday, September 24, 2012

A Pumpkin Sunday

I got to work this morning, in my brown pants and brown and coral top...with not a thread of black (with the exception of my unmentionables)...I hopped out of my car...glanced down, and noticed that I'm wearing the dusty BLACK shoes that I wore to the pumpkin patch yesterday.

Now, I could take my shoes off for most of the day, but the brown socks I'm wearing have toes and heels of bright pink...again, a clash with my orange/coral/brown clothes!!

Photos no longer exist due to's 
extortion and holding 
my pictures for ransom.  

Have a great Monday!
(I'm looking for ways to keep my feet hidden today...
I'm just a total mess from the ankles down!)


  1. lol. you will check twice tomorrow!! i bet most ppl won't even notice. great pix, but you didn't take the kiddos? i think it will be a month before the boys are here so that we can go. may not be so pretty then....

    1. We took some kiddies, but not all..they were visiting others. In a few weeks, I think everyone will get to go.

  2. I like your new fall look on your blog! Very nice picture on your header! Sounds like a fun day at the pumpkin patch and some great pictures! Those ones of the butterflies are very nice! Lots of intersting pumpkins grown there!

    LOL about the shoes! I'm with Gina; I don't think anyone will notice. Enjoy the first Monday of fall!


    1. Thanks, Betty! That is sunrise at Cade's Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains...and we all know how I love the mountains!

  3. At least your shoes matched each other. They could have been two different colors too.

  4. The truck? I dunno... I see worse on the road every day.

  5. pumpkins. Love it. Pumpkin pie soon.

    Love those flowers in yellow and gold tones.

    Great place this looks.


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