Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday, Monday! Amuse me!

It’s been one week into my NRR (No Restaurant Rule) month, if you don’t count getting the boys Happy Meals yesterday after church, or a slice of pizza for myself at Sam’s on Saturday.   While in line at McDonald’s yesterday, I had this conversation with seven year old Ashton:

Do you want apples or fries with your nuggets?         
Apples.   I know a boy who ordered a hamburger with apples, and they put the apples on the hamburger because they got the order mixed up.
That story sounds a little fishy!   Did you just make that up?
Yeah.  It’s an Apple Fool’s joke.

Today is Carol’s birthday, my BFF from high school.  It was a lifetime ago that we were doing some of the foolish things we did!   Though I knew her in elementary school, she didn’t become my bestest bud until 9th grade.   I really don’t know if I would have made it through some of those years without her.   She probably doesn’t realize just how important she was to me during high school, and those years immediately following…which were quite difficult for me.  She had a pretty cool head on her shoulders, and I was always making choices that were detrimental to my well-being.   There were times, I know, when it was tough being my best friend, and I appreciate that stood by me.    I don’t get to talk to her or see her near enough these days, but I know (as she knows) that we are only a phone call away from each other.  She’s one of those friends that it doesn’t matter how long it’s been…it just doesn’t matter…we are still on the same wave length when we connect.   ::::Happy Birthday, Carol:::

In September, my other BFF from those days (who moved away when I was 17), Tammera (she will always be Tammy to me) has a birthday.   Even though she lives a day’s drive away, she is so good to keep in touch with me.   More on her next month. 


Another conversation from yesterday, this one with Ole Boy:
I can’t believe how Roscoe follows you everywhere you go, lies at your feet, and cries when you’re away.        
Ole Boy:
:::Laughs and nods:::  That’s what you should do, too!

I found out that I can repost pictures...I also found out that I have posted 541 photos...and apparently that's the limit!    I really need to learn about Picasa.     In the meantime, enjoy the pretty flowers! 

UNA - Florence

Nashville - Opryland Hotel

Mt. Airy, North Carolina - Andy Griffith Museum

Have a beautiful week!


  1. great conversations! i had to agree with ole boy. hehehhe priceless wit!! oh well...glad to see you can post pix the opry hotel flowers. 1 week restaurant free...maybe i should try that...nah. happy monday and have a wonderful week. love you!!!

  2. LOL What Ole Boy said!! But it is neat that Roscoe is bonding so well with him, LOL :)

    loved your conversation with your grandson too!! Precious!

    Good for you with keeping with your not going out to restaurant/fast food pledge and making it through the first week! WTG!!!!!

    beautiful pictures!!!

    enjoy the week ahead!


  3. I was just wondering if you counted snack bars as eating out. I just had a pretzel from Target and vote that it does not count because it is so cheap and not a "real" restaurant.

    What is the real miracle is that it is only 11:08 AM and I have already been out and at Target. This is so unlike me. Obviously had a family emergency this morning which put me out and about early.

  4. Happy birthday Carol and Tammy!
    Your grandson sounds so cute.
    Love the flowers.
    And good job on the eating out!

  5. Chuckle to both the "Apple Fool's Joke" and Ole Boy. :D I'm sure my husband thinks the same thing. Deb

  6. wow, i see you love photography to. I like your blog background and header. thanks for stopping by my post today.


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