Friday, April 8, 2011

Finally Friday

I have finally figured out how to get Ole Boy’s real opinion.    Like many new discoveries, I happened upon it accidently.   Yesterday morning while drying my hair, I realized I hadn’t rinsed the conditioner out of my hair.   (That could be a whole different blog for a whole ‘nother day.)    I had two choices:   Get back in the shower and start all over or deal with it.   As it was less than 10 minutes before time to leave, I dealt with it.

On the way out the door, I said, “I think I forgot to rinse the conditioner out of my hair.”   He looked up and said, “Yeah, you are a little frizzy today!”

The normal response to any question about my hair or clothes is, “Yes, you look fine!”  Which, to me, is the equivalent of the ever-sarcastic “yes, Dear” response.  The “fine” answer is sometimes given without his even taking a look.    So, in order to get a true opinion, I must remember to not ask directly, but to make an off-handed remark, and he will feel safe enough to critique.   (Meaning, of course, that I won’t throw myself on the floor and wail in despair because of his requested feedback.)

Photo challenge reminder!
I plan to post mine tomorrow.   It’s supposed to be a beautiful day, and I have already started putting the bug in Ole Boy’s ear for us to go play.   If you want to participate, you can post a picture for any or all letters.  Tomorrow, I’m going to try and use Mr. Linky for an easy way to join…we’ll see how that turns out.

I’m thinking about making a list.   The Brownie List.    Not the same thing as Brownie points, mind you.   I need to think it through a little more…don’t want to get abusive, you know.   ::::heheh::::


  1. Ohhhh. Is ABC over already? I haven't had a chance to do it, yet. I'll post all my letters just as soon as I can! Deb

  2. I'm really curious about the Brownie List. I do hope you share what you are thinking about with doing one! I do feel for our men sometimes, they really don't know how to respond to our questions about the way we look, etc :)



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