Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tuesday's Committed (and uncommitted) Thoughts

Great Smoky Mountains...I can't wait to go back this fall!
…on backaches:   My aching back kept me from sleeping in the wee hours of the morning, I finally gave up and decided to write a post.   I hope you enjoy the fruits of my pain.

…on Justice:  Since my last post (and subsequent) comments, I have been formulating another Justice post in my head (and in my journal) but have yet to put it together.  I didn’t disagree with my commenters…but there is more about justice I would like to explain.

…on being busy:   The last few weeks have been busy!   This past weekend, Ole Boy and I celebrated our 20-year anniversary.  We snuck off to Nashville for a little while and just enjoyed each other’s company.   (We did not go to the National Mustache and Beard Convention, which was Ole Boy’s suggestion.)  The weekend before we took a quick trip to Louisville, Mississippi, to celebrate my aunt and uncle’s 50th wedding anniversary.   I thoroughly enjoyed seeing my family.  

…on family:  We aren’t perfect, but we are blessed.   I appreciate God’s great gift to me in the family He gave me.   I do have some of the best people in the world right in my own family!

…on diets:  If only I had $10 for every diet I’d started!  I could pay a personal trainer and a chef for a year!  I haven’t blogged about weight loss in a long time…and I would have nothing new to say.   Of course, I haven’t lost any weight, so there is that.

…on Creation:  There are people who consider themselves Bible-believing Jesus followers…but they believe the earth evolved.  Their belief is the seven days mentioned in Genesis are not literal 24 hour days, but thousands of years.  I guess it’s easier for them to believe in a God who can’t create the heavens and the earth, and all that is within them in mere days.   I suppose they paid more attention to their professors than they do to God’s word, because the Bible is sprinkled with references to creation, not evolution.  Sometimes you have to choose what you believe.  I choose the Biblical account.

…on mistakes:  When we feel those we love are making a big mistake, sometimes our first reaction is anger.  Out of that frustration, we say things that make our loved one feel alienated, and they may even feel our love is conditional.  It’s hard to sit by and say nothing, but sometimes that’s what we have to do.  Praying for them would be a much better option than closing the door to communication.  I hope one day I learn to listen without tossing in my own unwanted “pearls of wisdom.”  I am not saying that we can’t gently point out they may not be making the wisest choice, but they either already know that, or they don’t believe it.  You won’t change their mind.  They will have to figure out for themselves that we can’t believe everything we feel. 

…on talking too much:  I admit that I talk too much.  Afterwards, I think to myself, “Set a guard over my mouth, LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips.”  (Psalm 141:3)   I need to remember that I will give an account for every careless word I speak on judgment day, and that I am defiled by what comes out of my mouth (Matt. 15).  Lord, help me this day to listen more and talk less!

…on typos:  I hate typos.  Sometimes when I reread my post and see glaring typos, I cringe.  I correct it on the post itself, but for all you subscribers who get my posts delivered via email…you are stuck with my careless errors!   I really, really hate typos!  I hope this post is typo-free, but considering the hour and my aching back, it may not be!

I hope your day is a grand one,
and your week even grander!


  1. Happy belated anniversary! Twenty years is a wonderful milestone! Wishing you many more together. So true about holding our tongue when we think someone is about to make a mistake or has made a mistake. Prayer is what they definitely need (and then forgiveness down the road when they are repentant of that mistake). I look forward to hearing more about your thoughts of justice.


  2. I've heard it said that it's common to wake up in the middle of the night and realize that the spouse of 25 years sleeping next to you is a complete stranger. So after 20 years, you should do a blog on that! Happy Anniversary!


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