Tuesday, September 24, 2013

News Day Tuesday: The Prisoners of War Edition

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,
against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12  

Do you know about American citizen Kenneth Bae?  There has been more coverage of Pastor Saeed Abedini, but today, I’ll tell you about Kenneth, who is languishing, in poor health, in a North Korean “special labor camp,” for such crimes as crossing the border to feed orphans, deemed by North Korea as hostile acts to bring down its government.  From the Huffington Post: 
Bae's trial on charges of "committing hostile acts" against North Korea place in Supreme Court on Tuesday, the state-run Korean Central News Agency reported.
He was arrested in early November in Rason, a special economic zone in North Korea's far northeastern region bordering China and Russia, state media said. The exact nature of Bae's alleged crimes has not been revealed. Friends and colleagues say Bae, a Korean American who was living in Washington state, was based in the Chinese border city of Dalian and traveled frequently to North Korea to feed orphans.
There is a petition to prod our government  to step in and do as much as we can do for his release.   You can visit/sign that petition HERE.

Both Mr. Bae and Pastor Saeed, and their families, desperately need our prayers.  There is a petition for Pastor Saeed as well…you can find that HERE

Please consider signing these petitions.

Though it's not always in the mainstream media, not only are Christians being imprisoned, they are persecuted, tortured and killed daily.  If I were in their shoes, my continuous prayer would be, "Come quickly!  Even so, come Lord Jesus!"  praying for the rapture.   

I wonder how much longer God will listen to the desperate cries of His children before Jesus comes back to take us Home? 

Are you ready?


  1. I will go back later and sign those petitions. I'm thinking it will be a while before Jesus comes, look at the martyrs in the early church and what they endured and its been through all of history. Jesus said it so well, if they persecute him, we will be persecuted. God is slow suffering and incredibly patient; I think we have a bit more time here before Jesus returns.


    1. Maybe...maybe not. I know history tells us things have been horrific before and He didn't come. I definitely think He's coming sooner than people think.


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