Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Beloved Shoals

(Deibert Park)

There once was a youthful day

(Natchez Trace)

When I couldn’t wait to leave The Shoals

(Deibert Park)

To see the beautiful sights of the world

(Deibert Park)

To find myself

(Deibert Park)

Ah, but what I didn’t know then

(Deibert Park)

I surely now know…

(Cane Creek Canyon)

It’s as much a part of me

(Cane Creek Canyon)

As I am a part of it

(Wilson Dam Rockpile)

My Beloved Shoals…


May I be so blessed, as I am now,


To always be a part of you.


  1. That is the most calming thing I have read/saw in a long time. Thank you. ~Mary

  2. I feel the same way of my hometown. Thought I was going to be the child to leave and only come back to visit. Now I leave to visit but always come back to where I belong, my hometown.

  3. beautiful pictures and poem. wish I could figure out where my beloved shoals would be.....


  4. Very nice poem and absolutely beautiful pictures. I am not biased!

  5. Beautiful words, pictures and sentiment! That really is a wonderful place, and I've been thinking along those same kind of lines about the area I live in. So many wouldn't like it here... there have been times, when I was young, that I thought it was an awful place because it is desert and dry... mostly sage brush and dryness, but lately I've seen it with different eyes and have started to see the beauty in the rolling hills and the desert creatures...


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