Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday Musings: The ♫♪Music♪♫ Edition

Dear Grammys:
I hardly know ye!   Who are all these bizarre people making strange noises on your stage?

By the way, dear Grammys:
Some of your nominees don’t play…music…

Dear ♪Music:
You ain’t what you used to be.

Dear Real Talent:
You so rarely show your face these days!   Please come back!

Dear Rap/Hip Hop Lovers:
I can’t believe these are some of the folks you’ve made rich and famous!

Dear Grammy Lover:
Yes, I am aware that not everyone feels the way I do about today’s song composition.   But many do agree with me…  

Dear Music Awards Shows:
I haven’t watched a full show since the Red Hot Chili Peppers publicly thanked satan on the MTV awards in 1992. 

Dear Music:
I really do love you!   These days, I usually limit my enjoyment to contemporary Christian, a little country, and 70’s tunes.  I’d venture to say the pop/rock and roll music world doesn’t miss me…but considering that true rock and roll recordings died sometime in the early 80’s…I don’t miss them, either.
 photo music-notes_zps44bd93cd.gif photo music-notes_zps44bd93cd.gif
Dear Christian Brothers and Sisters:
Come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation; let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms.   (Psalm 95)


  1. Amen with the scripture; I have no idea of modern music these days, groups, etc. My that must make me old :)


  2. I think we might have the same taste in music....

  3. A noise doth they make but not unto the LORD....I am in agreement with your posting today, 110% "sound, the way is not of the LORD" loved your scripture I'm standing right by you sister making that "Joyful Noise"

  4. You are good my friend! And Carrie Underwood had on some kind of magic dress too! :)

  5. This is so cool..thanks so much for the info. Love it! questmp3


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