Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I Inadvertently Obeyed God....Part II

Over the years, my eating was out of control, and my prayers were desperate pleas for help.  And what did God do?   He answered me!  Over and over!  I’d pray, “God, if there is a way I should be eating that will help me, just tell me!”   “God, I can’t do this!  Please help me!”   “I’m in this pit, and I need help!  Where are you God?!” 

And all along, He was answering me!  The Overeater’s Anonymous leader told me on my first meeting, “Get off sugar.”  Two doctors told me, “Watch those carbs.”  One counselor gently suggested I had a food addiction, the other counselor suggested I check into to a place to help with addictions.  While I was begging God for help, he was sending people with the answer.

But I still didn’t get it.  It wasn’t what I wanted to hear.  Every time someone suggested I get off sugar, I automatically shut them out, because, to me, that was NOT freedom.  

My days consisted of wanting to eat all the time, feeling guilty because I couldn’t manage to control myself, and planning my next meal (usually while I was eating).  I wanted freedom from this obsession.  I wanted to eat like a normal person, and be able to stop when I was full!   I wanted FREEDOM!  But I didn’t want to give up sugar.

During the first week of August, I attended a ladies meeting at church.  The leader (whose name is also Margaret), asked us if we would pray for her.  She then described every thought I had about my own weight issues.   (And she was nowhere near my size, either!)  I asked them to pray for me, as well. 

One of the wonderful women with us said something about obedience.   I don’t remember exactly what she said, but I knew that the word “obedience” was for me.   Only, I didn’t understand exactly what I was to do with that information!   Obedience by not giving into to gluttony?   My Lord knew how I had wrested with that very thought.   But no, it wasn’t that.   It was much more simple than that.   Obedience!   It had taken me some ten years to get to this point, and I. Still. Didn’t. Get. It.

God finally had to send me an up-close and personal example.   My co-worker, Salena, had lost over 100 pounds.   She works on a different floor than I do, and I hadn’t seen her in some time.  When I ran into her, she looked fantastic!  We had a long conversation about what she was doing; and of course, she was eating low-carb.  For some reason, my eyes didn’t glaze over.  I didn’t resist the idea of giving up sugar. Suddenly, I was very aware that this was for me.  It clicked.   Finally!

That freedom that I had so long prayed for?   It’s mine.  From the first low carb day, no more continual cravings, no more overwhelming urges to eat!  No binges!   Do you hear what I’m saying?  NO BINGES!   No daily feelings of just barely hanging on to my “plan.”  My Plan is Christ.   He is my freedom, my strength.  And I am hanging on with all my might! 

1I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
He will not allow your foot to be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.  (Psalm 121)
God is very good.  He is faithful, and to be trusted!  I am more grateful than I could ever express in words.


  1. No binges! No binges! No binges! I'm writing this down in SHARPIE. Along with OBEDIENCE. I've got to wear a swimsuit in a few weeks! GREAT post.

    1. Thank you! It still a little chilly for a swimsuit! haha

  2. He was giving you the answers all along, indeed. Isn't it amazing when we finally start listening? He gave you the freedom he wanted you to have and it is the best freedom I do believe. Soon you too will be saying you lost 100 pounds!!


    1. haha I hope it's soon! I've been where I am long enough, I think!

  3. You are my inspiration! I am also a carb addict....and plan lunch while eating breakfast....and dinner while eating lunch! Tomorrow is Day 1 of my road to obedience. Thank you for taking my hand and tugging.....

    1. Thank you so much for commenting. I do wonder how your Day 1 is going??

  4. My Day 1 went great! Was able to walk a mile....but had to do it 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the afternoon. Eating was not too difficult. Already doing well the morning of Day 2!! I am pumped!!


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