Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday Musings: The Exercise Edition

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Dear Treadmill: 
I hate you.   There is a reason I have nicknamed you “dreadmill.”

Dear Muscles:
Groan.   Why do you hurt me like this?

Dear Sketchers Shape Ups:
You are getting the well-placed blame for my calves and hiney being so sore.   Who knew 1.5 miles per day would make every step painful?

:::::I interrupt this regularly scheduled Monday Musings to bring you the following tale of woe exercise::::

I was off on Friday, and I thought it would be a good day to get on the treadmill.   I decided 30 minutes at a comfortable pace would be the perfect place to start.   It went pretty well, I think, considering it was the first time in a lonnnng time to be exerting extra energy.  God and I had a nice talk, and I had some Psalms taped to the dashboard panel, so I worked on some memory verses.  

I told myself I wouldn’t look at the timer or distance tracker.   When I thought I had walked forever, I finally looked.   Only 20 minutes!  10 more to go…and I had only walked a mile!  I gave thought to quitting right there…suddenly I was very hot…and thirsty!   My desire to talk to God or memorize scripture flew out the window that I was wishing was open!   But I made it 30 minutes, and 1.5 miles.   Not bad for a fat chick, eh?  

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At some point during the walk, I cranked up the speed for several minutes, so I was actually winded, and very dry.  Ever try to drink from a glass when you’re really hot and really winded?  It ain’t pretty, but it can be done.

Saturday, I absolutely did not want to get on that thing.  I looked for my Walkman to listen to music, but I couldn’t find it anywhere.   I got on and set the pace for something comfortable, and I whined to God that I didn’t want to walk.   I didn’t want to memorize my Psalms, I didn’t want to talk to God…I didn’t want to walk, but I did it anyway.   And I had to walk a little longer to get to my 1.5 miles, but I did remember to turn a fan on.

Sunday, I decided to be thankful.   As I climbed on the treadmill, I thanked God for the 70+ pounds that are gone, and I thanked Him for a lot more, too.  I walked my 30 minutes, and I was particularly thankful to have that little feat finished!  

During this journey, I do intend to be honest…so tomorrow, I will be posting Part 2 of my obeying God inadvertently, and then later this week, we’ll talk about believing when the scales slow down.  

Now aren’t you waiting on the edge of your seat?



  1. WTG for getting on it and continuing to exercise Meg!! Unless you feel compelled, 5 days a week on it would be good; the other two days take a walk in the neighborhood or wherever. That way you won't get burnout about it. But that's fantastic you started! It will get easier. Any chance of putting a portable TV close to where the treadmill is? I know it makes the time go by faster at the gym if I'm watching TV while I'm exercising.


  2. You make me feel guilty...I mean, inspired! I can do it! Thanks for sharing this. It is just what I needed.

  3. Please keep posting. You are an inspiration!


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