Thursday, June 14, 2012

What are you fighting with?

(or...With what are you fighting?)

This is the kind of post some folks love to hate.

For eight years, liberals screamed that Bush had destroyed America.  For the last four years, conservatives have blamed Obama and the democrats.  The sad fact is that we have all had a hand in the self-destruction of our country.

Who’s in Charge?
The Bible is no longer studied; its passages no longer memorized.   Even if one doesn't believe it, the Bible is, indeed, the Word of God.   It is our sword, our protection in the fight for our lives.   Without its truths internalized in our hearts, is it any wonder that Americans are deceived into electing ungodly men to run our country?   America largely doesn’t want to include God.  Period.

Electronic Babysitters:
Years ago, it was Atari that commanded the attention of America’s children.   Now, it’s a multitude of handheld devices, the internet – often uncensored and unsupervised – where our children spend countless hours; cell phones, and brutal, bloody, desensitizing violent “shoot ‘em up” video games that not only have the children addicted, but the parents as well.  No wonder we have children who shoot and kill.  

It is not the guns…it’s the lack of interaction with God-fearing, Bible-believing, parents who commit to raising children in a Godly manner.   It’s the lack of fathers and mothers working together (whether in the same home or not)…there is no excuse!  If you do not have contact with your little children:   Straighten up, act right, get help if you need it, and be a parent!   But I digress.  Sort of.

These days, it seems the only thing that gets undivided attention is a text message or a video game.   Watch young parents in public…their children don’t have their attention.   A cell phone does!  And why do we feel that if a phone rings, it MUST be answered?!  

We’ve got a nation too full of people dependent upon the government for their livelihood.  Too many children know only one parent.  Churches are divided, deceived, and confused, teaching a watching world that they don’t really have any standard by which to live.  Why?   Because the Bible has lost its authority in America, in the church, in the hearts of people. 
  • When is the last time you complained about our nation, our president, your spouse, the high costs of gas? 
  • When is the last time you wasted an hour (or two or three) in front of the computer?
  • When is the last time you spent an hour on your cell phone gossiping?
  • When is the last time you spent an hour in prayer praying God’s will?
  • When is the last time you spent an hour in prayer seeking His direction over your own plans?
  • When is the last time you spent an hour in prayer?

When is the last time you memorized a Bible Passage?   Spent half an hour reading the Word?  Spent half an hour in quiet (or loud) prayer?

The upcoming election is more important than any of us realize.
It’s our responsibility.


  1. So agree with you, Meg! Good reminder too to be in the Word and to pray and to especially pray for the upcoming election (I'm not really good about doing that......)


  2. Well. I'm glad to say that I came out pretty well on your quiz. :) I certainly agree with the sentiment of this post, too.

    As far as voting goes... I don't know. Now I grew up in a political family. My parents "worked" for candidates in every election. Staying up and watching the primary conventions and, later, the election results (took all night then) was our family fun. Since I've been an adult, I have never missed voting in a presidential election. (I've occasionally missed an "off" year vote, but not often.)

    But this time? I dunno. I may not vote. I won't go into why, since it's your blog, but I have a distaste for what's going on both in the church and the streets re: politics this time round. I think deception is in both conservative and liberal churches. People are being fooled--even generally God-fearing and right thinking full-Gospel believers.

    The Rapture is soon and so is Christ's return. I think that this current roiling pot of rhetoric and deception is just setting the stage. The time of "even the elect will be deceived" is here.

    Haha. I feel like I need to be wearing a sandwich board that has "The end is near!" scrawled on it. snicker.

    This was a courageous post.


  3. Ouch! Your words sting a bit, but I totally agree.

  4. I agree with all your points. If I had to pick one? A father who leaves his children...or a mother (I've seen that happen, tho not nearly as often). Why? Well, after all aren't they entitled to some fun in life, some fulfillment? They just found the right person too late. Let them try to tell that to the car dealer or bank that financed their home. Play around all you want before you marry, but when you marry and have kids? Nope. Sure some may turn out all right, but a lot won't. We could name names, but since this isn't my blog, I won't. Thanks you, Margaret, for a great and much needed post.

  5. AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!!! Can you see me jumping up and down?!!! THANK YOU! My words EXACTLY, though I didn't say them, you did.

  6. As I type this, I prove what I am about to say. I have found that I spend wayyyyy too much time on useless computer surfing. I could better use that quickly-spent hour doing other things. Great list of questions at the end!

    1. Thanks, Mike...I spend way too much time online, too.


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