Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday Musings: The Giving Thanks Edition

Dear Pastor:
That was pretty slick!  I liked how you preached the “In Everything Give Thanks” sermon, and then tell us you’re leaving!   There’ll never be another Doc, and I am so thankful that I have had the pleasure these many years to hear you speak.   (See, I was listening.)

Dear Self:
Really…the toaster oven is not the best place to rest your cell phone as it charges...even if the only reason you put it there was to keep the heat from the dishwasher from affecting it.   I assure you, 25 minutes of toaster oven heat is much worse.   I’m thankful that my phone still seems to work fine, including my camera.

Dear Carbs:
Why did you sneak in that half of Logan’s roll I ate?   Had it not been for you, I may have eaten two…or three of those rolls...I’m thankful I only hate half. 

Dear Logan’s Roll:
You really aren’t as good as I remembered you were from the last time I partook of your refined white flour and yeast baked blend.   I am thankful that you will not tempt me too much anymore.

Dear Pittsburgh Steelers:
Seriously?   But then again, if I were getting paid as much as you, I’d wear some silly looking Honey Nut Cheerios Bee-looking uniform, too, if it were demanded of me.   I’m thankful it’s not demanded of me.

Dear Hustle Bustle:
I can hardly believe that by the end of this week, you will be in full force.  I wish people understood that they don’t have to go far into debt, stressing and straining their budgets to give more than they can afford, because this season is not at all about making retailers rich.  It’s about Christ, and His gift to us.   I am very thankful for Jesus, who stepped out of eternity to give His life for me, so that I could be redeemed.   Forever, I am grateful.


  1. Oh no with the phone! Glad to hear it is still working! So agree that one doesn't have to spend a lot of money and get stressed out to enjoy the holidays, especially if one focuses on the best meaning of Christmas and the wonderful gift of Jesus. Sorry a beloved preacher is leaving; that is always sad when that happens.


  2. As Hines Ward said, I really appreciate what those former players did and want to honor them so much, "that I would proudly wear those hideous throw-back uniforms." :}

    And we are ALL thankful that you don't have to wear those black and yellow horizontal stripes, Margaret. snicker. I believe there is a petition affot to keep me out of them, too.


  3. great post. i must say, however, that the steelers really have made you sit up and take notice! ha!

  4. Clever post - hope your phone is okay. Just wishing you a happy thanksgiving! sandie

  5. I'm grateful for my friend Margaret. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  6. Hi Margaret! I enjoyed this post so much and thanks so much for the chuckle!! So funny what you said about those Steelers because I thought the same thing! And most of all I am thankful for Jesus too.

  7. Honey nut Cheerios. Hilarious. I thought they were quite hideous, as well. Honey nut is the perfect descriptor. Great post!


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