Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday Musings: The Oct. 1 Already?! Edition


Dear Lady at Wal*Mart Eye Center:
I guess it wasn’t some of your better thinking to be holding my glasses while telling me that screw couldn’t become loose like I was telling you, as it worked its way loose in your hands.   I’m not so crazy after all, am I?

Dear Hair Salon Owner:
It was just an odd feeling to have met you only 90 seconds before, and suddenly be left with your business and your five year old child as you left to run an errand…of sorts.   I can’t describe what I was feeling as I watched you get in your car and leave…but  I couldn’t have left if I’d wanted to…not with your little one there.   There are just too many “what ifs” in this story…

Dear Muscles:
I can’t believe that sorry excuse for a badminton game caused you to be sore.   It was, however, lots of fun.   J

Dear October:
While I’m very excited to see you, I cannot believe you have showed up here so quickly!!   Why, it seems you were just here…a few months ago…but not 12 whole months!

Dear Fall Color:
Bring it ON!!

Dear Rainy, Dreary Monday:
You are a day that the Lord has made!  I will rejoice and be glad! 

Dear Shock Wave:
Please stop crashing.   You are seriously cutting into my time wasting.


  1. Shockwave is your internet company? I know, how did it get to be October already? I bet the fall colors will be gorgeous in your neck of the woods; enjoy them! Wow, can't believe about that mother leaving her child; scary thing is you probably weren't the first time she did this. Was she gone a long time?


  2. She was gone over 10 minutes. Long enough!

    Shockwave is the program that runs my videos...I think...I don't understand all the techno-stuff. But when it crashes, my videos/internet won't play right.

  3. Re: the salon owner. :O That poor little child--left alone with a stranger. There couldn't have been a better stranger than you, but still--s/he didn't know that. And so much for telling children not to talk to/go with strangers. hmph.

    It's so funny about October. We just got back from Gatlinburg. When we left here for there, it was mid 70s. When we left there, for here, it was mid to upper70s. When we got here it was low 60s. 40s at night. I went from early summer to late fall in 10 hours. I turned on the furnace! The crisp air is kind of invigorating, tho. Feels like freedom, as a matter of fact. :)


  4. Welcome back to Margo and October. Shockwave and Adobe crash regularly at my house. They must not get enough sleep.

  5. I'm not ready for winter. Tooooooo much yard work left to do.


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