Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A to Z...D, D, D!

My contribution for the letter D in the A to Z Challenge....
These Dogwood blooms were falling as 
I tried to snap pictures in the rain.
It was snowing Dogwoods..

On Sunday, Ole Boy and I visited Wilson Dam...
Those Dangerous Waters!

Can you see all the herons?   Other birds, too...but so many Great Blue Herons  
(No D's there, are there?)

The Dam

Walking around the Dam and the Rock Pile 
reminded me of how out of shape I am!
I wished I had stuck to one of the many diets 
I started in January, February and March!
But I didn't.


  1. LOL with your last line, but stick with the next and who knows where you will be the next time you go to the dam. I loved all the pictures, I'm going to show hubby the heron one; he'll like that!

    Very creative entry!

    have a great day!!


  2. Beautiful pictures. I've never seen the dogwood blossom before. Here in England, cherry blossom is gripping bare branches. No doubt, it'll blow off in the next spring storm.

  3. great entry....really love the blues in that last pic, but all are great shots! so the herons were taken from the rock pile? i will have to visit next time i'm in town. i sure wish they would open the lock to visitors again....

    1. Yes, from the Rock Pile, and yes, you'll have to visit there again. The falls were prettier than I remembered (I'll be posting those for "F"). I really miss watching the barges from the locks.

  4. How fun you are doing the A to Z challenge, too. I read your first one about it, and had no idea they expected 1500 participants...yikes!!
    My favorite use of D in today's post was the last one word sentence!
    But don't worry, keeping up with this challenge will keep you so busy you won't have time to spend much time eating, LOL!

  5. Ha, I wrote about dams too, but a different kind of dams. You take beautiful photos, I'm going to borrow (steal) your ideas of adding photos to the blog entries.


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